Celpip General Speaking Practice Test demo

Speaking Task 1: Giving Advice

Your friend wants to rent a movie tonight. Give your friend advice about which movie to rent and explain why it is a good movie.
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*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.

Speaking Task 2: Talking about a Personal Experience

Talk about a time when you interacted with an animal. Maybe you can talk about a family pet, a farm or zoo animal, or an animal in the wild. What kind of animal was it, what happened, and why do you remember the experience?
Countdown timer
*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.

Speaking Task 3: Describing a Scene

Describe some things that are happening in the picture below as well as you can. The person with whom you are speaking cannot see the picture.
*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.
Countdown timer

Speaking Task 4: Making Predictions

In this picture, what do you think will most probably happen next?
*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.
Countdown timer

Speaking Task 5: Comparing and Persuading


This task is made up of THREE parts:

  • Choose an option
  • Preparation time
  • Speaking

Your niece has a two-week break from school, and to keep her entertained, you are looking at summer camps you could suggest to her. You find two suitable options. Using the pictures and information below, choose the option that you prefer. In the next section, you will need to persuade your niece’s mother that your choice is the better choice.

If you do not choose an option, the computer will choose one for you. You do not need to speak for this part.

Countdown timer
*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.

Your niece’s mother (your sister) is suggesting another day camp. Persuade her that the camp you chose is more suitable by comparing the two.

Reading and Writing Day Camp
– learn about creative writing techniques
– read each other’s stories and share ideas
– $200 for two weeks, 8 hours a day
Music camp

– teaches children basic music symbols and rhythm
– offers basic lessons for guitar, flute, and piano based on their preferences
– practice simple songs together
– $150 for 10 days

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*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.

Speaking Task 7: Expressing Opinions

Answer the following question.

Question: Do you think Canada should spend money on preserving its historical sites or spend money on scientific research and advances? Explain your reasons.
Countdown timer
*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.

Speaking Task 8: Describing an Unusual Situation

While driving, you see a car that you think is unsafe. You call 911 (you have a hands-free phone), and the police answer your call. Now describe in detail what you see, and explain why you think it is unsafe.

*NOTE: This practice test is not recording your response.
Countdown timer