IELTS Speaking Sample #7

IELTS Speaking Sample #7 Part 1 Good afternoon. Could I have your full name please? Good afternoon. My full name is Luo Xiaojing; that is my Chinese name. All right. And can I see your passport, please? OK. Here you are. Thank you. That’s fine. Now, in the first part of the test, I’d like […]

IELTS Speaking Sample #8

IELTS Speaking Sample #8 Part 1 Hello. My name is Katrina Martin. Could you tell me your full name, please? Hello. My name is Elisabetta Bartolutti. Thank you. Can you show me your identification, please? … All right. That’s fine. I’d now like to ask you some questions about yourself. Tell me about where you […]

IELTS Speaking Sample #9

IELTS Speaking Sample #9 IELTS Tips Part 1: Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes) In Part 1 of the speaking test, the interviewer will introduce him/herself and ask you to introduce yourself and confirm your identity. The interviewer will then ask you general questions on three familiar topic areas. The first topic will be Studies, Work […]

IELTS Speaking Sample #10

IELTS Speaking Sample #10 IELTS Tips Part 1: Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes) 1) Give reasons for your answers. 2) Offer extra details. 3) Use your own words when possible. Good morning. May I have a look at your passport? Yeah. Could you tell me your full name please? My first name is Hanako, which […]

IELTS Speaking Sample #11

IELTS Speaking Sample #11 IELTS Tips In the IELTS Speaking module, you may need a few seconds to think before you speak. Use phrases like: “Well, let me think about that for a moment” or “That’s an interesting question!” to give yourself time. When you answer, give more than just one-word or very short answers. […]