IELTS essay, topic: Nowadays families move to different countries for work and some think it has a negative effect on children (agree/disagree)

IELTS essay, topic: Nowadays families move to different countries for work and some think it has a negative effect on children (agree/disagree) Nowadays families move to different countries for work. Some people think it has a negative effect on children, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Recent advancements, in technology […]

IELTS Essay, topic: Teachers are more responsible for social and intellectual development of students than parents (agree/disagree)

IELTS Essay, topic: Teachers are more responsible for social and intellectual development of students than parents (agree/disagree) School teachers are more responsible for social and intellectual development of students than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is often argued that educators have greater responsibility in developing students’ cognitive and social aspects […]

IELTS essay, topic: People should not work beyond the retirement age (agree/disagree)

IELTS essay, topic: People should not work beyond the retirement age (agree/disagree) Some believe that people should not continue to work once they reach the age of retirement. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your experience. In recent years, with the improvement in healthcare sector and […]