IELTS essay topic: Children should be engaged in paid work agree or disagree?

IELTS essay, topic: Children should be engaged in paid work, agree or disagree? In many countries children are engaged in different kinds of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it a valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. What is your opinion? The issue of whether or […]

IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties?

IELTS essay, topic: Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties? Some people think that spending a lot on holding wedding parties, birthday parties and other celebrations is just a waste of money. Others, however, think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Throwing […]

IELTS Essay, topic: the positive and the negative sides of globalization

IELTS Essay, topic: the positive and the negative sides of globalization Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss. In the present age, globalization is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. But in the meantime whether it is a blessing or a […]

IELTS Essay topic: children and rules

IELTS Essay, topic: children and rules In some countries children have very strict rules of behavior, in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything they like. To what extent should children have to follow rules? The extent to which children have to follow rules is in itself a very complex issue, since children […]

IELTS Essay, topic: The advantages and disadvantages of globalization

IELTS Essay, topic: The advantages and disadvantages of globalization Even though globalization affects the world’s economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten. Discuss. Globalization is such a commonly used term in the twentieth century. It simply means that the world has become integrated economically, socially, politically and culturally through […]

IELTS Essay, topic: Financial education

IELTS Essay, topic: Financial education Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? It is an obvious fact that financial aspects are a major part of the daily life, as an adult and even as a young individual. Each and every […]

IELTS Essay, Topic: Rich Countries should help the Poor

IELTS Essay, Topic: Computers Instead of Teachers Some say that rich countries should help poor countries with trade, health and education. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your experience. Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. Some say that the […]

IELTS Essay, topic: Events bringing people together

IELTS Essay, topic: Events bringing people together Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tension and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way. The world cup championship is organized every four years which is the most awaited year for every nation as it brings togetherness […]

IELTS Essay Topic: Computers Instead of Teachers

IELTS Essay, Topic: Computers Instead of Teachers With the advancement in technology, the use of   computers has increased more than ever before in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom. To what extent do you agree? There is no doubt that education and the learning process have undergone a drastic […]